Good Way To Win At Roulette

Roulette is a game of chance which has been attracting casino players for nearly 300 years. The game is one of the most popular and interesting gambling games and since its creation, the players are trying to find a way to beat the roulette wheel by various systems and strategies. A way to show your worth – first of all to yourself. The Kavouras bet A truly original, unknown, winning roulette strategy based on a unique bet selection and progression. Approaching the chaotic roulette events with an equally chaotic selection of numbers. Exclusively available on Roulette 30. This is the system we are famous for.

The most popular bets on the roulette table are Red and Black, this is especially the case in online casinos. Our list of roulette strategies is quite long so what we’re going to do here is list all of the different systems that are aimed towards Red and Black betting. It’s important to remember that Red and Black have exactly the same odds as Odd/Even and 1-18/19-36 so all of these systems can be used for those bets as well.

The best online casino for Red/Black betting is Royal Panda. Their table limits for Red/Black are 10p – £10,000 and they pay winning players within 24 hours with no questions asked. Play at Royal Panda

The Martingale – This is the most common system that players use. All you do is bet on a colour and then when you lose, you double your next bet. You repeat this process over and over until you get a win. Once you get a win, your overall profit will be whatever bet you started out with. This is one of the riskiest roulette strategies that you can use. Side note – this is a system that can be used all over the roulette table, not just red and black. It is red and black where it is most commonly used though.

Reverse Martingale – This is the exact opposite to the system above. It’s know as the Reverse Martingale or the Paroli. Instead of increasing your bets after a loss, you increase them after a win. The hope is that you will get a long streak of the colour that you’re betting on and take a big win.

The D’Alembert – This is a steady little strategy that shows better results than flat betting when you get as many wins as losses. As far as roulette strategies go, this is one of the safest. This is a system that can only be used on even chance bets.

Reverse D’Alembert – This is the opposite to the strategy above. The downside to this system is that it requires more wins than losses to be successful.

The Fibonacci – This is a strategy that involves you increasing your bets after a loss like the Martingale but it’s safer and it’s more steady. Patience and discipline is required with this system.

Reverse Fibonacci – This is the opposite to the strategy above. As with all “reverse” systems, you need to go on am extended winning run to get a profit.

The Labouchere – This is a strategy that will take a bit of practice to get used to. It’s another steady system that is safer than the Martingale and the maths adds up nicely when you use it properly. As with all systems though, a losing run can send your bets too high.

Hollandish Strategy – This is a slow progressive system where you go through “stages” and each stage has 3 bets.

Oscar’s Grind – This is a very similar system to the D’Alembert. You increase your bets after a win and keep them the same after a loss. A slow system that attempts to grind out wins, hence the name.

How To Win At Roulette Every Time

Whittaker Strategy – This system is almost identical to the Fibonacci. The only real difference is the name.

With 10p – £200,000 roulette table limits and withdrawal times that are less than 24 hours, Royal Panda are our favourite online casino. They always pay out straight away with no problems. Play at Royal Panda

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Good Way To Win At Roulette

award winner

Roulette winning strategies, betting methods, wagering schemes, gambling systems. By Jacob Kanzen

Interesting facts, tips and a system.

There are more gambling systems devised to beat the roulette wheel than any other game.

A system may give you an edge, but don't expect to systematically play your way to riches off the casinos. For one thing, everything considered, it is a very difficult task. For another thing, it's unlikely that the casinos will sit back and do nothing about it.

Simply aiming to win to stay ahead at all times as a primary objective, even by a small margin, is a more realistic goal and a great achievement.

In a game of chance using a system is no guarantee of winning but a well-devised roulette system can rationalize your losses, manage your winnings and have a strategy that will give you an opportunity to be a winner.

Roulette systems that have a strategy to win most of the time but lose out overall, are not winning systems. A winning system is one with a strategy to make you win overall and keep you ahead at all times.

Tip: For an efficient betting strategy aim to win more money in fewer winning spins.

It has been shown time and again that roulette systems that rely on sequential or conditional probability have failed to produce successful results consistently. That is because, in practice, roulette is not a game of probability linked to prior spins.

At roulette each spin is a new spin and the outcome is never determined by prior spins. Therefore the probability for a possible outcome of each number on the wheel is the same every spin and a sequential probability advantage cannot be generated.

For example:

Which outcome has a higher probability after eight successive Blacks, Black again or Red?

The probable answer is Red.

Wrong! After eight successive Blacks, a Black is as likely to come up as a Red. The roulette wheel has no memory and it does not keep record of previous results. This is what many gamblers find hard to believe. This misconception has been around for many years and will probably be around for as many more years. It is known as the gambler's fallacy.

Tip: If you are influenced by previous results, then learn to bet with the outcome and not against it. You will eventually realize that it makes no difference. If anything, the 'law of unequal distribution' will be on your side.

In theory, roulette may be looked at as a game of probability and that the casino advantage of 5.26% with a double zero wheel (2.7% with a single zero wheel) makes the player a definite loser. In practice, as far as the player is concerned, roulette is a game of luck and the player has a chance to win.

If you were to bet $5 on Black for 38 spins on a double zero wheel, in theory you would win and lose every other spin and after 38 spins (which is about an hour of play at a busy roulette table) you would lose $10 for twice the zero outcome.

In practice, during an hour of play, at some stage, if you were lucky you would be up and if you were unlucky you would be down by more than $10, and deciding when to quit will determine the amount of your winnings or losses.

Consider this:

If there was no casino advantage and you were paid 37 to 1 (36 to 1 for a single zero wheel) instead of 35 to 1 on numbers and didn't lose on the outside bets when the outcome was zero, during the past several times that you have played the roulette, would you now be even with your money? Chances are it would not make much difference. You would still be either winning or losing and by much more than 5.26%.

The reason is that at roulette by far the two major factors that determine how much you win or lose are:

Best Strategy To Win Roulette

  1. Your luck on the day and
  2. Deciding when is the best time to quit.

Therefore, for a roulette system to have a degree of success it has to be linked to luck and tell you exactly when to quit.

Tip: On a very bad day, no sum of wagering money or degree of skill will make you a winner. Don't persist. Cut your losses early.

Big tip: Don't challenge the mathematical advantage of the casino. You cannot eliminate or change it and you don't need to. It is not your adversary unless you choose to make it that way and you will lose - slowly but surely. It is relatively small considering the sums of money that can be won or lost in a very short space of time. Think of it as a necessary and acceptable contribution or a tax towards paying the cost of the gaming equipment and salaries of the casino personnel. Remember, you pay it only when your bet wins. It is deducted from the payout on your winning bet, the casino pays you 35:1 on a number win instead of 37:1, two chips less or -5.26%. (All winning bets are paid -5.26%, including the outside bets. Find out how the casino advantage really works with this revealing Roulette quiz.)

Additionally, a good system has to take into account other obscured but important advantages for both, the casino and the player. These are:

To the casino:

  1. The player's natural greed for money
  2. The player's lack of self-discipline and
  3. Time (the longer you play the higher the chances that you hit a streak of bad luck and run out of money).

1. Don't be greedy; if you lose what you have just won, you are.
2. Don't gamble more than your set limit.
3. Don't stay beyond what you have set out to do.

To the player:

  1. You can choose when and where to bet
  2. You can choose and vary the amount of your bet and
  3. You decide when to quit.

1. Play a few numbers, preferably winning numbers, every spin.
2. Increase your bet when you win and not when you lose.
3. Quit while ahead and limit your losses.

Good Way To Win At Roulette

Now, if you agree to all that has been said so far and give it some thought, you could well apply a roulette strategy yourself that is linked to luck. Additionally, if you are able to weaken the above said 3 casino advantages (not easy) and make good use of the player's 3 advantages, chances are in the long run you will come out an overall winner. Or, ...

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