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Welcome to Cabal 2 SG! This is an official fan page for Cabal 2 players residing in Singapore. Here you'll be able to find the latest news, updates & activities on the upcoming MMORPG running on CryEngine 3! Hope you enjoy your stay here. CABAL Online is free to play, no matter how much time a player spends in the intriguing world of Nevareth. Time limited dungeons, blazing and fluid combat, challenging puzzles, an enthralling story, and a constant stream of new game content drives the exciting and action-packed experience that is CABAL.

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Upgrade Skill are not skills which help you to upgrade in-game items, as it could be understood. But they are passive skills which upgrade you. Upgrade Skills can be bought from Officers (BI, DS, GD) in form of yellow Skill Book. You can improve these basic stats with them: HP, MP, Attack Rate Defense Rate, Attack, Magic Attack and Defense. Some skills are available only from higher Skill Ranks. These are Skill Rank requirements for all Upgrade Skills:
Novice: Vitality Mastery, Mana Mastery
Apprentice: Reflex, Sharp Eyes
Regular: Offensive Sense, Defensive Sense, Force Control
Grand Master: Eyes of Mind, Sixth Sense, Ruling Force, Impact Control, Damage Absorb
You can buy skill book even if you don't have required Skill Rank, but you won't be able to equip it. To equip an Upgrade skill you need to have empty slot for Upgrade Skill. You have one empty Upgrade skill slot on the beggining. You will get HP Upgrade skill as a reward from early quest, so don't rush with filling it. You gain second slot when you reach Skill Rank Apprentice. After that you gain one empty slot every 2 attained Skill Ranks. So you will have available:
Novice - 1 Upgrade Skill Slot
Apprentice 2 Slots
Expert - 3 Slots
Master - 4 Slots
G. Master - 5 Slots
Transcender - 6 Slots
All Upgrade skills have levels. Levels doesn't match the Skill Rank, beacuse Upgrade Skills have different Skill Rank Requirements. Vitality Mastery is available from Novice Skill Rank, but Impact Control from Grand Master Skill Rank. That's why Vitality Mastery has 10 lvls and Impact Control only 3 lvls. On the picture on left you can see what has my Force Blader. Also you need to equip upgrade skills of the same type gradually, you cannot equip Upgrade skill lv. 2 when you don't have lv. 1 equipped. Only when you have previous level and required skill rank, you can equip the upgrade skill. Here list of prices of Upgrade Skills, they are the same for all Upgrade Skills on Skill Rank:
Skill RankPrice
Novice3 000
Apprentice7 800
Regular74 250
Expert312 500
A. Expert502 900
Master1 747 500
A. Master2 323 200
G. Master3 639 700
Completer3 714 500
Transcender3 714 500

So, which upgrades should I choose?

Some are really easy to decide, but a word of advice is never bad. What is a 'must have' for all characters is HP. You will get this upgrade as a reward from quest on level 5. So don't hurry up with filling your slot when you start playing with new character. Other Upgrade skill are decided on what needs your character or what you prefer. I don't recommend MP and Attack Rate, so i will not mention these anymore (I don't recommend having Attack Rate because you can use Combo and then you always hit with 100% probability). Now you need to think a little bit in forward. When you reach Transcender Skill Rank, you will have 6 slots available for your character. What Upgrade skills we have left now? 2 Attack Skills, 2 Magic Attack Skills, 2 Defense Skills and 2 Defense Rate Skills. You will need both Attack or both Magic Attack Upgrade Skills equipped on your character. Attack is for: WA, BL, FB. Magic Attack is for WI, FA. FS can be built both ways, so choose according to your FS build. Now we have filled 3 slots of total 6 possible. We have 3 slots left and 4 Upgrade Skills. This means you will equip Damage Absorb and Sixth Sense (stronger versions of Defense and Defense Rate Upgrade Skills) and for your last slot you will have to decide what you prefer: Defense or Defense Rate. I would recommend to characters using Martial sets (WI, BL) to go for Defensive Sense (Defense increase). This way they can balance lack of Defense. Characters using Armor sets (WA,FS) to go for Refles (Defense Rate increase). They have enough defense and they can really benefit from boosting their defense rate. FA and FB can benefit from both, it's only yours to decide what you prefer:
1, To be hit more often, but for less damage - then go for Defensive Sense
2, To be hit for more damage, but less often - then go for Reflex
3, You want to do mostly PvP - go for Defensive Sense (because it is wise to use Combo in PvP, and when your opponent is also using Combo, then it doesn't matter how much Defense Rate you have)

'+10% per rank'?

This changes all values when you reach next Skill Rank. All BASIC VALUES are increased by 10% for every Skill Rank you gained. So if you are Transcender you have 90% bonus(which is maximum), because you ranked up 9 times. Basic Value is increasing with every level and also this % bonus is applied according to your current Skill Rank. You can see how it works very nicely on first three levels of Vitality Mastery. Basic Value is increasing by 30 with every level and in addition on Apprentice Rank you can see 10% added to basic value (70+7) and on Regular Rank you see 20% added (100+20). In Fact, Basic Values are visible only when you have Novice Skill Rank. When you rank up to Apprentice you can notice, that instead the value +40 HP you have now +44 HP, because the 10% was applied even to what you have already equipped. This is also applied to Upgrade Skill which are not available yet. You can check yourself, how the value of Impact Control (for example) is increasing as you make your way up the Skill Ranks and at the point where you are able to equip it (Grand Master) you will see the value which is already increased by 70%.

List of all Upgrade Skills

Explanation of table:
Skill Rank - Skill Rank when the current lv. of Upgrade skill is available to equip.
Basic Value - this is the basic value of bonus. This value increases for every Skill Rank you gain by 10%. For example. When you reach Grand Master Skill Rank, all bonuses will be increased by 70%. How this works is explained in the blue paragraph above.
On Rank - Value of the bonus, that will be provided, when you equip maximum Upgrade Skill level for the current Skill Rank.
Vitality Mastery
Increase the amount of Maximum HP by physical training.
Bonus: HP +
Skill Rank
Lv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert5+160+224
A. Master7+220+352
G. Master8+250+425

Mana Mastery
Increase the amount of Maximum MP through spiritual meditation.
Bonus: MP +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert5+35+49
A. Master7+45+72
G. Master8+50+85

Increase defense rate.
Bonus: Defense Rate +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert4+120+168
A. Master6+180+288
G. Master7+210+357

Sharp Eyes
Increase attack rate.

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Attack Rate +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert4+280+392
A. Master6+420+672
G. Master7+490+833

Offensive Sense
Increase Attack by practicing the sense of attack.
Bonus: Attack +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert3+14+19
A. Master5+18+28
G. Master6+20+34

Defensive Sense
SlotIncrease Defense by practicing the sense of defense.
Bonus: Defense +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert3+12+16
A. Master5+14+22
G. Master6+15+25

Force Control
Increase Magic Attack by practicing management.
Bonus: Magic Attack +

Cabal 2 Online

Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
A. Expert3+14+19
A. Master5+18+28
G. Master6+20+34

Eyes of Mind
Increase Attack Rate with eyes of mind.
Bonus: Attack Rate +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
G. Master1+230+391

Sixth Sense
Increase Defense Rate with Honorable Sense.
Bonus: Defense Rate +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
G. Master1+140+238

Ruling Force
Increase Magic Attack by enlarging force control.
Bonus: Magic Attack +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
G. Master1+25+42

Impact Control
Increase Attack with efficient hit.
Bonus: Attack +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
G. Master1+25+42

Damage Absorb
Increase Defense by absorbing partial amount of damage.
Bonus: Defense +
Skill RankLv.Basic ValueOn Rank
G. Master1+13+22